Being a Blessing 祝福になる

The other day, I was handed a small tract which included a painting and message from Tomihiro Hoshino. I don`t suppose many people outside of Japan have heard of this man even though some of his work has been translated into English.



In 1970, Mr Hoshino became a gymnastics teacher at a year 7 to 10 school. Early in his time there he was demonstrating a double somersault to his students when he somehow miscalculated and ended up breaking his neck. He spent 9 years in hospital and has been paralysed from the neck down since his accident.





In 1972, he was asked to sign the hat of a fellow patient who was being transferred and found he could do so by holding a pen in his mouth. Since then, he has painted hundreds of pictures of flowers and alongside written poems which have touched the hearts of many people in Japan. He has published books and held exhibitions of his art.

1972年に病院で知り合いになった入院患者の一人が他の病院に移動する際に、帽子にサインをするように頼まれ、ペンを口に咥えてサインしました。 その時以来、星野さんは数多くの草花を描き、横に詩を書いて入れました。



This man, who can move only his head has been a blessing and encouragement to thousands. As I read the tract I wondered how much I, who have full use of all my faculties, have done to encourage and bless others.



As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. John9:1-3




イエスは答えられた。「この人が罪を犯したのでもなく、両親でもありません。神のわざがこの人に現われるためです。ヨハネ 9:1-3

Stella, ステラ
