ハンナの願い Hannah's Prayer












そして、子が与えられるように必死に祈りました。「… ハンナは悩み嘆いて主に祈り、激しく泣いた。…男の子をお授けくださいますなら、その子の一生を主におささげし…』I サムエル1 :9-⒒

「何事も思い煩わないで、あらゆる場合に、感謝をもって捧げる祈りと願いによって、あなた方の願いを神に知っていただきなさい。」ピリピ 4:6




それで、バルテマイが「目が見えるようになることです。」と言って自分の願いを言い表した時に、癒されて目が見えるようになりました。マルコ 10:47-52 



「求めなさい。そうすれば与えられます。捜しなさい。そうすれば見つかります。門をたたきなさい。そうすれば開けてもらえます。」マタイ 7:7

聖書は、「私たちの願いがかなわないのは、しばしば、十分に願い求めないからです。また願っても与えられな「いのは動機が悪いからです。」ヤコブ 4:2,3、と言っています。















A pastor had a five-year-old daughter. “Dad, before you preach, why do you bow your head and pray?” she asked. “That`s because I ask God, `Please help everyone to concentrate, listen carefully and be blessed and help me to preach a good sermon.`” “Well, Dad, why doesn`t God listen to your prayer? Everyone listens quietly, with their eyes closed and some are even snoring!”

Everyone has wishes. However, surprisingly, those wishes are rarely granted. Things do not go as we wish because we do not make enough effort or because our efforts and abilities are limited. At times like those, have you tried praying to God, the all-powerful, Creator of all?

Hannah is the mother of the prophet, Samuel. She was one of Elkanah`s two wives. There was conflict between the two wives, Hannah and Penninah. This arose because Penninah had a number of sons and daughters whereas Hannah had been unable to bear children. Penninah looked down on Hannah and taunted her about her lack of children. Hannah suffered so much that she was unable to eat.

She prayed earnestly before God that she would have a child. “In bitterness of soul, Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord.” I Samuel I:9-11. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6. God is all-knowing so even before we pray He knows what we need. However, it is still necessary for us to call out to Him and tell Him our needs..

Jesus teaches us the three stages of praying and the importance of continuing in prayer when He tells us to “Ask, seek and knock.” Matthew 7:7 reminds us, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” The Bible gives us reasons for our prayers not being answered. “You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives.” James 3:2,3. When we pray our motives must be pure and in line with God`s will. If we ask only for our own benefit, or our own desires something that will not help others or will not bring God glory, our motives are not right.

Hannah`s persistent, heartfelt prayer was finally heard by God and He blessed her with a son. God paid attention to her, answered her prayer and He granted her what she had asked of Him. Because he was the son given as a result of her prayer Hannah called him Samuel which means `Heard of God`. How much she must have rejoiced at this time!

As a student in America God answered my prayer regarding school fees so I was able to continue studying. In New Zealand He found me a job in a prestigious High School and recently, answered my prayer for a nice car at an amazing price. Prayers have been answered in almost miraculous ways a number of times. God`s grace has supported me and given me life.

Hannah`s wishes were realized because she prayed. Her prayers were fervent and persistent. She wept tears and prayed so earnestly she was mistakenly thought to be drunk. As well as praying we must do our best too. We sometimes have problems that no amount of effort will change when, like Hannah who was considered infertile, or when we face an incurable disease. If you have not tried praying, why don`t you try! Then, when you start praying, don`t give up but be persistent.

