The Silver Lining 銀色の世界

It was a gray, cloudy day and looked like it could rain at any moment. Fortunately, there was not much wind so I presumed that the short, domestic flight we were about to embark on would not be too rocky. The plane took off and we headed up in to the murky expanse above. To my surprise and delight, as soon as we burst through the clouds we were surrounded by clear, blue skies and bright sunshine.






Who would have imagined that such a peaceful scene was waiting for us on the far side of the clouds!


We often hear the saying "every cloud has silver lining" but that day I experienced it. How often, in life, we can see only the dark, brooding clouds but actually, on the other side there will be a bright, cloudless day waiting for us.



And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5

この希望は失望に終わることがありません。なぜなら、私たちに与えられた聖霊によって、神の愛が私たちの心に注がれているからです。ローマ 5:5

Stella ステラ
