謙遜の恵み The Blessing of Humility










A proud scholar got on a ferry to cross a river. Holding an open book in his hand the scholar asked the captain, "Do you enjoy reading?" The captain replied, "Actually, I never went to school so I cannot read!" "Poor you!" exclaimed the scholar, "That means that you have missed out on a third of life's pleasures. How about simple arithmetic like multiplication and division?" "I can't do either multiplication or division," the captain replied. Again the professor exclaimed, "Oh no! That is the same as missing two thirds of your life!" Just at that moment, there was a sudden gust of wind, water poured into the boat and it started to sink. The captain cried out, "Professor! Can you swim? What! You can't swim? There goes all of your life!!"



「人の心の高慢は破滅に先立ち、謙遜は栄誉に先立つ。」— 箴言 18:12


We all want to be loved and recognised by others so we try to make ourselves look better than we really are. However, when we over-estimate ourselves we become proud and end up causing our own failure.

"Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor." — Proverbs 18:12

Pride invites destruction.

サタンは位の高い天使でしたが、神のようになろうとしたので、天からひきずり落とされました。— イザヤ 14:15




サタンは、偉くなりたいという人間の願望を利用して、人を高慢にさせ滅ぼそうとしたのです。— 創世記 3:1-5

Satan was actually a high-ranking angel but because he wanted to become greater than God he was thrown out of heaven. — Isaiah 14:12-15

It was because of pride that Adam and Eve sinned and brought death to the human race.

Satan tempted them saying, "When you eat the fruit your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil." Satan used the human desire to be great, and made them proud and destroyed them. — Genesis 3:1-5




ヘロデが高ぶり神に栄光を帰さなかったので、虫にかまれて息が絶えてしまいました。— 使徒 12:21-23

King Herod sat on his throne and delivered a speech to the people. "This is the voice of a god, not of a man," the people shouted. At that moment an angel of God struck Herod. Because Herod was proud and did not give the glory to God, he was struck with a disease and died. — Acts 12:21-23







In this way God removed the one who become proud.

On the other hand, the powerful King David when his sin was pointed out by the prophet Nathan, he humbly confessed and repented. Joseph too, because of his humility was taken from slavery by God to become the second in command in Egypt and save people from famine. He had the ability to interpret dreams and foretell the future and was always careful to give the credit to God.

If we become proud we fall into Satan's trap and head towards catastrophe. Proud people are not popular and are often looked down on by others.


「神は、高ぶる者を退け、へりくだる者に恵みをお授けになる。」— ヤコブ 4:6




Not only that, God also hates pride and destroys it.

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6

Just as water flows from a high place to a lower place, God's blessing flows to a humble person and He will exalt that person.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." — Philippians 2:3

奥平 Okudaira
