「信仰の高嶺」ハバクク Great Faith


いつも、絶えず、どんなときにも、感謝をすることは、至難の業ですが、聖書は「感謝しなさい。」と命じています。「全てのことに感謝しなさい」I テサロニケ5: 18 


IIテサロニケ1:3 それは、感謝することで、不思議と、「呼び水」のように「幸運」が降り注がれるからです。「民よ、どんなときにも、神に信頼せよ。あなた方の心を神のみ前に注ぎだせ。神は我らの避け所である。」詩篇62:8 



悪人が栄え、善人が苦しむ不公平な社会を見て、ハバククは「なぜ神は悪人を裁かないで、沈黙しているのか?」と神に疑問を投げかけます。主よ。私が助けを求めて叫んでいますのに、あなたはいつまで、聞いてくださらないのですか。私が「暴虐」とあなたに叫んでいますのに、あなたは救ってくださらないのですか。ハバクク1:2 悪者が自分より正しい者をのみこむとき、なぜ黙っておられるのですか。ハバクク1:13 


遠藤周作の『沈黙』と言う作品では、キリシタン迫害時に会って、なぜ神は「沈黙して」キリシタンを拷問から救わないのかを問うています。 神父ロドリゴは拷問を受けている仲間の信者たちを救うために自ら「踏み絵」を踏んで、妥協します。信仰者たちは、試練の時に、しばしば、神が沈黙されるのを体験します。 



義人は信仰によって生きる。一般に物事が自分の願ったように展開しないで、悪い方向に進めば愚痴をこぼします。不平不満を言います。怒り、悲しみます。否定的な感情に圧倒されます。次々と困難、試練がやってくれば、普通、喜ぶこと、感謝することはできません。「全てのことに感謝しなさい」I テサロニケ5:16-18 とありますが、これも常識的に考えれば不可能です。しかし、信仰の高嶺に登り極めた信仰の勇者たちは、逆境の時にあっても揺るがない信仰を持ち、喜び、感謝に満ち溢れます。 この不可能に思える行為を実践しています。

使徒パウロは、鞭を打たれ投獄されても、神に感謝しました。「私は、どんな境遇にあっても満ち足りることを学びました。」「私は、私を強くしてくださる方によって、どんなことでもできるのです。」ピリピ4:11,13 私たちは、私たちを愛してくださった方によって、これらすべてのことの中にあっても、圧倒的な勝利者となるのです。ローマ8:37 と告白しました。



There are often times in life when things do not go smoothly. When everything is going well it is not too difficult to be thankful. However, when we meet with problems, when our prayers do not seem to be answered and we can see no light at the end of the tunnel it is difficult to praise God and to continue following Him.

It is not an easy thing to give praise at all times but that is what the Bible tells us to do.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God`s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:18.

“We ought always to thank God….” II Thessalonians 1:3.

Amazingly, praise acts like a priming agent and brings down blessings.

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8.

The prophet Habakkuk had trouble understanding why God stands by silent while the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer and also why He would use the wicked Babylonian nation to bring judgement on Habakkuk`s own nation. However, he was able to rejoice when he had faith in God.

The kingdom of Israel had divided in two by the time of Habakkuk in the 7th century BC; the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah in which Habakkuk lived. At this time the people of the southern kingdom, Judah, knew that the most feared army in the world, the Babylonians were coming to attack and they lived in fear knowing that they could be killed. In this time of peril, this tense situation, Habakkuk prayed. Jerusalem was invaded by Babylon in BC 598.

Habakkuk looked at the imbalance in the society where the wicked prospered and the righteous suffered and complained to God asking why He did not judge the wicked and why He remained silent. “How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but You do not listen? Or cry out to you `Violence!` but You do not save?” Habakkuk 1:2.

“Why are You silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?” Habakkuk 1:13.

Our faith is shaken when we desperately need God`s help but He remains silent and does not help.

Shusaku Endo`s novel “Silence” asks why God remained silent during the time of the persecution of Christians in Japan and why He did not stop the torture. In order to save believers from torture, the priest, Rodrigues compromised and trampled on the carved image of Christ.

Believers often experience God`s silence in times of trial. The prophet Habakkuk saw a vision in which God sent the Babylonian army to destroy the kingdom of Judah because of their sin. Cultivations and nature were destroyed, crops failed and farm animals were taken by force. Jerusalem was plundered and became desolate. Despite the desperate circumstances, because he had faith in God, Habakkuk was still able to declare, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.” Habakkuk 3:17, 18.

The righteous live by faith. Generally, we complain when things do not go as planned and move in a negative direction. We whine and grizzle, get angry or sad. We are overcome with negative emotions. When problem follows problem, it is not easy to give thanks and be joyful. “Give thanks in all circumstances.” I Thessalonians 5:16-18. This is impossible when we use common sense. However, those giants of faith, when they met with impossible situations, their faith did not waver and they were filled with praise and joy. They were able to do that which appears impossible. The apostle Paul, even when he was whipped and imprisoned still praised God.

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11, 13. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37. May God change us into people who, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in, rejoice, pray and praise. May we be victors in times of trials!
