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365 Days of Blessing

「あふれる恵み」 Overflowing blessing

世界は新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で、多くの人は様々な困難に直面しています。 特に、失業した人、







不思議な川が神殿から流れ、進むにつれ水かさが増し、川の両側には木が茂り、川が流れる所にはあらゆる生物が生息し、多くの魚が群生します。見ると、水が神殿の敷居の下から東のほうへと流れ出ていた。47:1 神殿から流れる川は東の方へ向かってエルサレムから死海の方に向かって、さらにアラバに下って行きます。そして、最後に死海に入ります。死海は塩分濃度が高く、浮力が大きく、海面に仰向けに浮いて、本を読む写真をよく見ます。






その耳が遠くて、聞こえないのではない。あなたがたの咎が、あなたがたと、あなたがたの神との仕切りとなり、あなたがたの罪が御顔を隠させ、聞いてくださらないようにしたのだ。』イザヤ書59:1-2 神は天からあふれるばかりの恵みを降り注ごうとしても、人間の罪が、悪い行いがそれを妨げています。水道管に、ごみが詰まれば、その中に流れる水はストップします。

よく流れるためには障害物は取り除かれなければなりません。罪が告白され、悔い改め、悪い道からはなられ者が増えなければ、国家は衰退し、滅びます。 キリスト教国と言われる西欧では麻薬、放縦なセックスなどの




Many people are suffering in different ways because of Covid 19. Those who have lost their jobs or have no income because they are unable to continue their business are in a particularly tight spot. People are fearful about going to hospital for treatment because of the possible presence of Covid patients. The number of people committing suicide because of fear has increased.

On April 26th, Lorna Breen, an E.R. doctor in a New York hospital committed suicide due to stress from the onslaught of Covid patients. In Spain, there are not enough masks and doctors are dying. If someone should appear with a mountain of masks at this time how grateful everyone would be!

At this moment there must be many, many people wishing their basic needs could be met. We all need to partake of the overflowing blessings from heaven. Now is the time to call out for God`s help. “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19.

Ezekiel saw a vision in which a mysterious river flowed out from the temple. Ezekiel 47:1-12. This river flowed from the temple with the amount of water increasing as it continued; trees flourished on either side of the river, living creatures appeared along with swarms of fish. “I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple.” Ezekiel 47:1. The water flowed east from the temple in Jerusalem towards the Dead Sea and on to the Jordan Valley. Finally, it poured in to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea has such a high concentration of salt that we have seen photos of people lying on their back and reading a book in the waters. Life was promoted because of this pure water. The trees on both banks flourished and bore fruit. Different varieties of fish appeared in the waters, fishermen were able to make a living there and fishing villages developed. “Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live.” Ezekiel 47:9.

This pure water represents the Holy Spirit. Where the Holy Spirit is present God`s blessings will overflow. Hearts are renewed. Sickness may be healed and health prevail. The river of healing. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaimed that Jesus had risen from the dead and that there is salvation through Jesus. As a result, many people believed in Jesus and were changed. Also, there were many miracles of healing of people who were sick. “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God: your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1, 2. Even when God intends to bless us, our sin and wrongdoing block His blessing. Water cannot flow through a pipe if there is something wedged in it. It is necessary to remove the blockage in order for the water to flow. Unless there is an increase in the number of people who repent of their wrongdoing and are forgiven, the country will not be blessed. So-called “Christian” countries in the West are moving further and further away from the teaching of the Bible as drug use, free sex, greed, violence, abuse, humanism and materialism run rampant. As a result, Christianity is declining in those countries.

Ironically, Covid 19 appears to be running riot in those Christian countries which have compromised with sin. In order to receive God`s blessing, Christians must repent, oppose the wrong in their countries and make a stand for righteousness. Sin, like the Corona virus, is out to destroy people. If we opposed sin as vigorously as we oppose the virus we would experience the blessing of God.


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