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365 Days of Blessing

「リバイバルの鍵」 Key to revival


リバイバルの意味  リバイバルと言う言葉は英語 revivalで re(再び) vive 生きる)の合成語です。リバイバルはキリストの復活のように、生きていた者が死んでから再び生き返ることを意味します。キリスト教会、聖書でリバイバルは、霊的覚醒を意味します。これは、堕落したクリスチャンたちが罪を悔い改め熱心に神に仕えるようになると同時に、多くの者が罪を悔い改めイエス・キリストを信じ救われることを意味します。 予言者エゼキエルは偶像礼拝をし、堕落したイスラエルが再び霊的に目覚め、罪を悔い改めるリバイバルの幻を見ました。それはイスラエルの復興の幻でした。その幻は、多くの枯れた骨に命の息が吹き込まれ、骨に筋が付き、肉が生じ、皮膚で覆い生きた人間に復活したものでした。見よ。わたしがおまえたちの中に息を吹き入れるので、おまえたちは生き返る。エゼキエル37:5

神の息が吹き込まれた時に、干からびた骨は生きた人になりました。最初の人間アダムが作られた時に,   その鼻に、神の命の息が吹き込まれました。人間は神の息によって生かされる霊的な存在です。罪に満ち、 堕落し、犯罪が蔓延し、問題が多い社会が癒され立ち直るためには、神様が言われる条件を行うことです。 リバイバルの鍵は次の言葉です。わたしの名を呼び求めているわたしの民がみずからへりくだり、祈りをささげ、わたしの顔を慕い求め、その悪い道から立ち返るなら、わたしが親しく天から聞いて、彼らの罪を赦し、彼らの地をいやそう。II歴代誌7:14                                 現在世界は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が増え広がり、死者の数が急増して(現在18万人)、第二次大戦以来戦以後、最大の危機に直面しています。人々はいつこの危機を脱出できるのかと待ち望んでいます。すでに、失業したり、事業が倒産したりして、どう立ち直れることができるか失意の中にいる人が多くいます。 いまこそ、天からの神の助けが必要です。                                特に、神からの癒しの鍵は、悪い道から立ち返る事が大事です。 自分のそむきの罪を隠す者は成功しない。それを告白して、それを捨てる者はあわれみを受ける。箴言 28:13 自分の罪を認め、罪を告白するだけでは十分ではありません。自分が心から悔い改めたら、それを行いによって示さなければならないです。神様は、義なる、聖なるお方ですから、罪を犯し続ける者を祝福することができません。リバイバルが起これば、霊的に死んでいる多くの人々が目を覚まし生き返り、悪しき罪が去り人々は喜びと平安に満たされます。    これは、神の働き、聖霊の働きによるものです。短期間に多数の者が悔い改めるので社会に多大な影響を与えます。教会の出席が急増します。犯罪が急激に少なくなります。何十年もかかる教会成長が数週間で行われます。

18世紀に、イギリスは産業革命で、労働者たちは、悪徳工場主に搾取されるケースが多く、都市は道徳的に退廃しました。子供までが長時間労働させられる。悲惨な状況になりました。この時に、ジョン・ウエスレーと言う敬虔な説教者が現れ、都市に住む多くの人々にイエス・キリストによる救いの福音を語りました。   この説教に感銘して、多数の民衆が回心して霊的に生まれ変わりました。犯罪が激減して、刑務所が空になったそうです。その後、イギリスは世界に宣教師を送り、7つの海を支配する大英帝国と呼ばれ、政治的、経済的にも世界に大きな影響力を及ぼす国となりました。


A man collapsed having had a heart attack, an ambulance was called and attempts were made unsuccessfully to resuscitate him using the AED equipment. A passerby said, “Let me try,” and whispered something in the man`s ear and then hit him on the chest. At this, the man started breathing again. Shocked, the ambulance team exclaimed, “Amazing!” “It`s not such a big deal,” the passerby explained. “I am an evangelist and I just told him that he must reconcile with his wife before he can get in to heaven.”

Meaning of `revival`. The word `revival` means to bring back to life again. Just as with the resurrection of Jesus, someone who was alive, dies and then comes back to life again. In the Bible and in Christianity, `revival` means spiritual awakening. Lapsed Christians repent and serve God fervently again and at the same time, many people who have not been Christians before, repent and hand their lives over to Jesus. The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of revival in which the depraved Israelites who were serving other gods had their spiritual eyes opened and repented of their evil ways. This was a vision of the restoration of Israel. In the vision, he saw a heap of dry bones. When the breath of life was breathed on them, tendons became attached to the bones, flesh was added, then covered with skin and became a living human being once more. “This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you and you will come to life.” Ezekiel 37:5.

When God`s breath was breathed on them, the dehydrated bones became a living person again. When the first man, Adam was made God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. We are spiritual beings alive by the breath of God. In order for this sinful, depraved, crime-infested, problem-filled world to be healed, God has given us conditions to fulfil. The key to revival is in the next words. “If my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14.

We are facing the greatest challenge since the Second World War as Covid 19 runs rampant through the world causing an increasing number of infections and deaths (currently 180,000 deaths). People are wondering when they will be freed from this crisis. Many people are in the pit of despair having lost their jobs, their businesses becoming bankrupt and wondering how they will ever get back on their feet again. Now is the time to call out for God`s help. The key for healing of our lands is in our turning from lives that are displeasing to God. “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13. It is not enough however, just to recognize your sin and confess it.

If we have truly repented, we must demonstrate that by our actions. God is a righteous, holy God so He cannot continue to bless someone who continues to sin. When revival comes, many people will have their spiritual eyes opened, turn from their sinful ways and be filled with joy and peace. This is the work of God, The Holy Spirit. If many people repent at the same time there will be a huge effect on society. Numbers in church will increase. Crime will decrease. Church growth which has taken years in the past will occur in a matter of weeks.

In the 18 th century at the time of the industrial revolution many workers were exploited by unscrupulous factory owners. The moral climate became corrupt. Even children were forced to work long hours in the factories. They were in a pathetic state. At that time, an upright preacher, by the name of John Wesley, appeared and preached salvation through Jesus Christ to the people. Many people were deeply touched, repented and revived spiritually. Crime decreased dramatically and prisons emptied. After that, England sent out missionaries to the four corners of the earth and England became known as the ruler of the seven seas and had a great impact on the world politically and economically.

Heartfelt repentance is the prerequisite for revival. This repentance must begin with those who are known as His people; those who acknowledge God the Creator and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.


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