「信じる者は幸い」 Blessed are those who believe
今日の話のタイトルは「信じる者は幸いである」ですが、何を信じるかが大切です。「デマ」を信じたり 「詐欺」を信じたりしたら災いを招きます。人をだまして、暴利をむさぼろうとする貪欲な者を信じることは、幸いではありません。それで、善悪を見分け「正しいもの」を信じる者は幸いであると言うことになります。今日の話の主人公のトマスは新約聖書では十二使徒の一人として挙げられ、ヨハネによる福音書20:24-27に記されています。トマスは「疑い深い人の」の代表として知られています。
完全に降伏して「私の主。私の神。」と言って主イエスをあがめました。 最期にさらに、イエス様は難しい状況の中にあっても信じることの大切さをトマスに告げました。イエスは彼に言われた。「あなたはわたしを見たから信じたのですか。見ずに信じる者は幸いです。」ヨハネ20:26-29
もしキリストが甦らなかったのなら、あなた方の信仰はむなしく、あなた方は今なお、自分の罪の中にいるのです。 1コリント 15:17キリスト教が立つのも倒れるのも、復活にかかっています。イエスの十字架の死による罪の贖い、救いはキリストの復活に裏付けられます。イエスが復活しなかったら、十字架の救いは効力を失います。イエスが復活されたことは、イエスが神の子の決定的な証明になります。
私たちの信仰これこそ、世に打ち勝った勝利です。Iヨハネ5:4 「彼に信頼するものは、失望させられることが無い。」ローマ10:11
The title of this talk is “The person who believes is blessed” however, what we believe is of great importance. If we believe misinformation or fake information disaster may result. It is not blessed to believe a greedy person who wants to make a great profit. We need to separate good from evil and know that believing good will be blessed.
Thomas, one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus is written about in John 20:24-29. He is often called “doubting Thomas.” Most people say this is because, when the other disciples told him that they had seen the resurrected Jesus he said, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.” John 20:24, 25.
Suddenly, Jesus appeared before the doubting Thomas. “A week later His disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, `Peace be with you!`.” When a door is locked people cannot enter the room. Without opening the door, how did Jesus enter the room? Jesus was able to do something that would normally be considered scientifically impossible. Jesus was not a ghost as he had flesh but not in the same way as we have.
Thomas was astounded at His sudden appearance and Jesus said, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
It was as though the assertion he had made that he would not believe unless he could see and touch Jesus directly was said directly to Him. How did he feel when Jesus repeated the same words back to him? He must have felt that Jesus could see into the depths of his heart. To emphasise to Thomas how important belief is Jesus said, “Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas responded, “My Lord and my God!” Thomas must have strongly felt just how foolish and wrong his unbelief had been. He submitted himself to Jesus, bowed before Him and cried out, “My Lord and my God!” Finally, Jesus reiterated the importance of faith even in difficult circumstances saying, “Because you have seen Me you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Anyone can believe if they can see. Faith is not required. To believe without seeing is faith. Thomas the doubter, after his encounter with the resurrected Jesus, became a man of faith and is reputed to have gone to India where he preached the gospel and was martyred for his faith.
“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” I Corinthians 15:17. The basis of Christianity is the resurrection. Salvation and the atonement for our sins by the death on the Cross are dependent on the resurrection. Salvation through Jesus` death on the Cross loses its efficacy if there is no resurrection. Jesus` resurrection is conclusive evidence of His claim of being the Son of God. If we have faith we can overcome fear and anxiety and move forward. Faith empowers action. Faith is the secret of success.
“I am the resurrection and the life. He believes in Me will live, even though he dies. John 11:25. “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” I John 5:4. “Everyone who trusts in Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:11.
If Jesus was not resurrected, we will not have salvation, have eternal life or go to heaven. Let us believe that Jesus did rise from the dead and be victors over the fear of death and sin. The spread of the Corona virus throughout the world is causing fear and anxiety. Now is the time to believe the resurrected Jesus and be freed from fear!