「健康と長寿」 Health and long life



ヒゼキヤ王は涙を流して、自分の真実の気持ちを神の前に注ぎ出して、神の助けを求め必死に祈りました。すると、実に素早く神様は王の祈りに答えてくださいました。私たちが涙を流して真剣に祈る時、その祈りは直ちに神様の耳に届きます。イザヤはヒゼキヤに神が語られた言葉を告げて言いました。『わたしはあなたの祈りを聞いた。あなたの涙も見た。見よ。わたしはあなたをいやす。… わたしは、あなたの寿命にもう十五年を加えよう。‥‥』」20:5,6

百歳以上の長寿者の健康の秘訣の共通は、食事、睡眠、運動を正しく取る他に、共通するのは幸福感が高く、自分の人生を肯定的にとらえる人が多いということです。身体的にだけではなく精神的にも充実した生活を送っている人が多いのが特徴です。心と肉体は密接な関係にあり、心が健康であれば、肉体の健康に影響します。陽気な心は健康を良くし、陰気な心は骨を枯らす。箴言17:22 自分が幸福であると強く感じている人はそれだけ長く生きます。
An elderly man went to a university hospital for a check-up as he was not feeling well. He was told that he was suffering from extreme exhaustion and had only one month to live. It was a great shock! However, after one month had passed, rather than dying, he felt better. A few days later, he received a letter from the hospital. “We apologise for the inconvenience but you were given the diagnosis for a different person with the same first name and surname.”
Every person has times when they get sick and all of us must, at some point, die. There is no escape from these facts. However, we all have a strong desire to preserve our lives, be healthy and live long.
Hezekiah was a pious, extremely good king who got rid of idol worship, and lead his people back to God but still, he became sick. As long as we are human, no matter how good we are, we will get sick. In Hezekiah`s case it was a serious illness and he knew that he was dying. “In those days, Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, went to him and said, `This is what the Lord says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.`” II Kings 20:1. Just as he had done when he was surrounded by the Assyrian army, Hezekiah prayed that he would be saved from this death. “Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, `Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.” II Kings 20:2, 3. Not caring what others might think, he poured out his heart to God. In no time at all, God answered his prayer. When we earnestly pour out our hearts to God with tears, He will hear us. Isaiah relayed God`s message to Hezekiah, “I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. …I will add fifteen years to your life.” II Kings 20:5, 6. When Hezekiah sought God`s help in prayer, he was healed and given another fifteen years of life. We all want to be healthy every day. We would also like to live long lives. Even a well-off, rich person if they become sick and are confined to bed they cannot enjoy using the money they have stored away. It is better to be healthy and have little money than to be rich and ill.
Seven years ago, there was a tumour on my spine which pressed on nerves and caused excruciating pain for a number of months. I wondered every day how I could be freed from the terrible agony. It is a great blessing to be pain-free, healthy, able to walk and to enjoy sports.
Those over 100 years of age all say that even more important than diet, sleep and exercise is a positive attitude and a contented spirit. One of the characteristics of these elderly people is that they stress the importance of emotional as well as physical health. The emotional and physical aspects of our beings are closely connected and if we have good emotional health it will affect the physical aspects too. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22. Those who feel that they are greatly blessed are more likely to live long.
Hezekiah became sick and was about to die. He wept loudly and prayed to God. His prayer was heard and not only was he healed but he was also given fifteen more years.
Along with taking care of our health let us call on God`s mercy. Those who feel blessed are more likely to live long lives. Let us ask God to help us feel blessed as we receive healing in both mind and body through the salvation inherent in the Cross.