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365 Days of Blessing

「正義を行う人」アモス Amos, a righteous man


アモスはイスラエルの貪欲、暴虐の罪を悔い改め、悪を捨て、正義を求めるように説きます。「善を求めよ。悪を求めるな。」5:14 アモスは、大祭司によって、危険人物として告発され、王国より追放されました(7:10)。





2019/08/15 -国際労働機関の調査によると、世界では現在でも、約4,030万人 もの人々が過酷な労働を強制されたり、売春、結婚を強いられたりしています。「現代の奴隷」として売り買いされています。2018年の国連薬物犯罪事務所の報告によると、人身売買の被害者のおよそ40%は国境を越えて売買されており、事態はグローバルな規模で深刻な状況となっています。多くの移民や難民がヨーロッパに向かうための主要な通過点の一つとなっているリビアでは、「奴隷オークション」というものが行われています。


A person`s greed can cause harm to society. Today, we look at the prophet Amos who was a righteous man who bravely spoke out against corruption. Amos is one of the writers of the 12 minor prophets. He was a contemporary of Isaiah and Hosea. He was active during the reigns of Jeroboam and Uzziah (760-755 BC) He came from the southern kingdom of Judah but preached in the northern kingdom of Israel. Even though he was persecuted, he preached about God`s holiness and righteousness, spoke without compromise about the sin of the people and warned of God`s forthcoming judgement. He pleaded with the people to repent of their greedy, cruel ways and to seek righteousness. “Seek good, not evil.” Amos 5:14.

The high priest labelled him as a dangerous man and he was thrown out of the country. Amos 7:10-13. Israel was a prosperous country at that time but the disparity between the haves and the have-nots was great and poor people were treated with contempt. In the society in which Amos was living, cruelty against the poor was rampant and they were not treated as humans. For example, a person with a large debt was treated as a slave. In today`s world there are greedy, fraudulent businesses which trick and exploit people in order to make more money. Governments do not treat these practices harshly and the result is that the general populace, and particularly poor people suffer as the gap between rich and poor grows ever greater. Also, some politicians are in collusion with these fraudulent business people.

Towards the end of September 2015, it was announced that the German car maker Volkswagen had falsified the gas emissions on their vehicles. In the testing station, emissions met the standards but when actually driving on the road the cars produced levels of emissions dangerous to the health of humans. As a result of this, Europe faced dangerous levels of pollution. This company, Volkswagen, was actually founded by the dictator Adolph Hitler. He slaughtered millions of people including Jews in gas chambers. It seems like his spirit is still living!

The highhanded treatment of the weak by those who were stronger in the society in which Amos lived, seems to indicate that the weak were not treated as humans should be. As mentioned above, those who could not repay a debt they had incurred were treated as slaves. “They sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals.” Amos 2:6.

According to statistics from the International Labour Organisation, there were 40,300,000 people in some type of forced labour; prostitution, forced marriage etc. (2019/8/15) They are modern-day slaves. A 2018 report from the United Nations on Drugs and Crime, states that 40% of the victims are sold out of their own country. Human trafficking is a huge problem on a global scale. Many of the refugees and immigrants for Europe pass through Libya where slave auctions are held.

Amos loved righteousness and acted accordingly. Without compromise, boldly he faced the leaders, the powerful and the rich about their treatment of the weak. Scandals within Japan are asking questions of the moral standard of the Prime Minister and of others in positions of power. Whether a country prospers or declines is dependent on the moral standard of the leaders and the people.

Proclaiming the gospel is not merely about preaching salvation but also the righteousness of God. When we believe in Jesus and live for Him we should work to spread His righteousness. If we say that we believe in God but do wrong things we cause a stumbling block to others. It is important for us to seek good, do right and hate evil. “God accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.” Acts 10:35. Let us not merely give lip service but seek good and love, be a person who does right; the salt and light of the world.


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