「涙の予言者」エレミヤ(要約)The Weeping Prophet (English follows Japanese)
ある男がトラックを運転していると、道路のわきの空き地で、草を食べている人がいました。驚いて、トラックを止め「どういうわけで草を食べているのですか。」と尋ねると、「この三日間何も食べていなくて空腹で我慢できず、草を食べていたのです。」と答えました。「それは、可愛そうに。トラックに乗りなさい。」「ちょっと, 待ってください、妻と二人の子供がいますから。」「家族も全員連れて来なさい。」「まあ、何と親切な人なんだろう!」と思いました。そして、その男は自分の裏庭の草が伸びたところに、トラックから家族たちを下ろして、言いました。「どうぞ、お腹いっぱいに、食べたいだけ食べてください。」
これは自分を迫害する敵のために祈る祈りと共通しています。エレミヤは、「ああ、私の頭が水であったなら、私の目が涙の泉であったなら、私は昼も夜も、私の娘、私の民の殺された者のために泣こうものを。」エレミヤ9:1 と祈りました。
イエス様もエレミヤと同じように、罪を犯し、神に反逆するかたくななエルサレムの民に対して歎き、祈りました。ああ、エルサレム、エルサレム。預言者たちを殺し、自分に遣わされた人たちを石で打つ者。わたしは、めんどりがひなを翼の下に集めるように、あなたの子らを幾たび集めようとしたことか。それなのに、あなたがたはそれを好まなかった。マタイ 23:37 また、イエス様は、ラザロが死に、姉妹のマリヤとマルタが悲しむ姿を見て涙を流されました。「イエスは涙を流された。」ヨハネ11:35 イエス様は憐みに富んだお方であることが読み取れます。
私たちの大祭司は、私たちの弱さに同情できない方ではありません。罪は犯されませんでしたが、すべての点で、私たちと同じように、試みに会われたのです。ヘブル4:15 エレミヤは預言者として、不信仰で、悔い改める心の無い横柄な民に、神の言葉を伝え続けるには多大な 忍耐と愛が必要とされたことでしょう。
I ペテロ3:8 同情、憐れみとは他人の苦しみ、悲しみ、不幸などを自分の苦しみと同じように感じ、思いやり、いたわりの心を持つことです。憐みの心を持つには、物事を自分の立場から考えるのではなく、相手の立場になって考えることです。人間は利己的な罪の性質を持っているので、他人のことよりまず自分を優先にして考える傾向があります。相手の立場になって考えれば、より寛容な、相手を思いやる気持ちになります。 イエス様が言われたように自分を愛するように、他者を愛するなら、おのずから憐みの心が起こってきます。「あなたの隣人をあなた自身のように愛せよ。」マタイ22:39
愛されることより愛することを。理解されることよりは理解することを。- マザー・テレサ
「あわれみ深い人は幸いです。その人は憐みを受けるからです。」マタイ5:7 エレミヤとイエス様が涙を流された憐れみ深い人であったように、憐れみ深人になれますように。
While driving his truck through the city, a man noticed a person eating grass in a vacant lot. Surprised, he stopped and asked the person why he was eating grass. “I haven`t eaten anything for three days and couldn`t stand it any more so started eating the grass,” was the reply. The truck driver responded, “You poor thing! Jump in my truck.” “Just a minute! There`s my wife and two children as well.” “Bring them all,” the truck driver said. “What a kind man!” the poor man thought. When he got to the lawn behind his house where the grass was long, the truck driver told the family to get off and said, “Here you are! Eat as much as you want!”
Most people are self-centred and few display true compassion.
Jeremiah, who we are looking at today showed true compassion. Even though he repeatedly warned people, they continued committing the same sins but he patiently continued praying for them. Jeremiah, who appears in the Old Testament as a prophet of the kingdom of Judah is also known as the weeping prophet. Jeremiah accurately prophesied God`s judgement in the form of invasion and subsequent captivity to Babylon and wept as he prayed that the people would repent. His tears showed that Jeremiah was a kind, compassionate man. Even though we may feel compassion for those hurt by unscrupulous men, it is unusual to have compassion and pray for the perpetrators. God`s supernatural love was poured out on Jeremiah and he was thus able to patiently pray. This is the same as praying for those who persecute us. Jeremiah prayed, “Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people.” Jeremiah 9:1.
Similarly, Jesus prayed for the sinful, stubborn, rebellious people of Jerusalem. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” Matthew 23:37. Jesus also wept when he saw how distraught Mary and Martha were at the death of their brother Lazarus. “Jesus wept.” John 11:35. We can see what a compassionate man Jesus was. “We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.” Hebrews 4:25 tells us of Jesus. Jeremiah, as prophet, needed patience and love in order to continue spreading God`s Word to a faithless, stubborn, unrepenting people.
“All of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.” I Peter 3:8. Compassion and sympathy are to feel another`s suffering and pain as if it were one`s own. In order to have compassion we must view situations from the other person`s standpoint rather than our own. We all have a tendency to think of ourselves first because of our selfish natures. As we put ourselves in another person`s shoes we become more tolerant and compassionate. If we do as Jesus commanded and love others as we love ourselves, compassion will naturally flow. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39. “To love rather then be loved. To understand rather than be understood.” Mother Teresa.
When we remember that God loved us sinful people so much that He gave His only Son to die for us on the Cross, compassion wells up in our hearts for other sinful people.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7. Let us pray that we would be compassionate people who weep as Jesus and Jeremiah did.