「終末に備える」ヨエル Preparation for the Day of the Lord
「備えあれば憂いなし」とあるようにふだん準備してあれば、万一の事態が起きても心配しないですむものです。 現在の世界的新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で、警戒して、台湾のように早めに周到な準備をした国は感染者、死者が少なかったですが、見えない敵を侮り油断し、準備が遅れた国々は大変な被害を被むっています。経済を優先にして対策が遅れた、世界一感染国、アメリカ合衆国(感染者280万、死者13万)と世界2位、ブラジル(感染者150万、死者6万)です。ユダの地の預言者ヨエルは 「主の日が来るからだ。その日は近い」ヨエル2:1と語っています。
ヨエルは未曾有の大災害をもたらすイナゴの大軍の来襲、その来襲は「主の日」として語っています。いなごによる天災とそれに続く災害は,恐ろしい主の日が接近していることの神の警告です。‥ばったが残した物は、食い荒らすいなごが食った。ヨエル1:4 激しい「イナゴの大来襲」による破壊がおこり、火が荒野の牧草地を焼きつくし、水の流れが枯れ、やみと暗黒の日、雲と暗やみの日、太陽も月も暗くなり、星もその光を失います。ヨエルは「主の日」が近づいているということを警告し、シオン(エルサレム)の人々に、シオンで角笛を吹き鳴らし、断食をし、民を集め、悔い改めの集会の召集をするようにと呼びかけました。1:14,2:12,2:15
最近の異常気象のために、農作物の凶作などから食物が極端に不足し,人々が飢え苦しんでいます。何と、現在、世界では9人に1人が飢餓状態にあり、世界で1日に4万人が餓死している と聞きます。
「私たちの目の前で食物が立たれるではないか」 ヨエル1:16
次に異常気象による世の終わりの前兆があります。「やみと暗黒の日、雲と暗やみの日」」ヨエル2:2、「太陽も月も暗くなり、星もその光を失う。ヨエル2:10 地球温暖化とは20世紀半ば以降に見られる地球規模の気温の上昇です。人間活動による化石燃料の使用や森林の減少などにより、大気中の温室効果ガス(二酸化炭素やメタン)の濃度は急激に増加しました。これが、地球温暖化の原因と考えられています。地球温暖化は、気温や水温を変化させ、海面上昇、降水量(降雪量)の変化やそのパターン変化を引き起こし、洪水や旱魃、酷暑やハリケーンなどの激しい異常気象を増加させて、生物、植物の大規模な絶滅を引き起こす可能性も指摘されています。
去年の十二月の末中国の武漢で発生した、コロナ禍による被害は世界で、感染者が1千万人、死者が50万人を超えました。このコロナ禍は世の終わりの前兆ではないかと考える人が増えてきています。「民族は民族に、国は国に敵対して立ち上がり、大地震があり、方々に疫病やききんが起こり、恐ろしいことや天からのすさまじい前兆が現われます。ルカ21:10, 11. ウイルスに感染するかも知れない恐怖、精神的打撃は大きいです。また、世界経済、国内経済への打撃は世界経済恐慌以来の大打撃です。倒産した件数は国内で会社は300件、宿泊、 商店、自営業を含めると2,5万件になります。
「主の御名を呼び求める者は、だれでも救われる。」のです。 ローマ10:13
It is wise to be prepared against a rainy day. If we have made preparations, when a problem occurs the results will not be so disastrous. With the emergence of Covid 19 we see countries such as Taiwan which took preventive measures very quickly and consequently have few cases and minimum deaths. On the other hand, some countries made light of the unseen enemy, were slow to respond and are now suffering the consequences. America put the economic situation of the country first, were slow to respond and now have more cases then any other country; 2,800,000 cases with 130,000 deaths and Brazil is in second place with 1,500,000 cases and 60,000 deaths.
Joel, prophet to the kingdom of Judah warned, “Blow the trumpet in Zion for the day of the Lord is coming. It is close at hand.” Joel 2:1. “The day of the Lord” indicates the day of God`s judgement and at the same time the day of restoration, grace and salvation. In the New Testament it also refers to the second coming of Christ. Joel referred to the unprecedented swarm of locusts which caused great destruction as the “day of the Lord”. The natural disaster of the locust swarm and the resultant damage was a warning that the dreadful day of the Lord was imminent. “What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten.” Joel 1:4. The invasion of the locust army causes great destruction: pasture is destroyed, waters dry up, it is a day of darkness, a day of clouds when the sun, moon and stars lose their light. Joel warns the people that the day of the Lord is approaching and they should sound the trumpet in Zion (Jerusalem), fast, gather together and repent. Joel 1:14, 2:12, 2:15.
One of the signs of the end of the world is famine. “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Matthew 24:7. One of the results of recent abnormal weather patterns is poor harvests, consequent deficient food production and starvation. To my surprise I heard that one out of every nine people in the world is starving and every day 40,000 people die of starvation. “Has not the food been cut off before our very eyes?” Joel 1:16.
Another sign of the impending Day of the Lord is abnormal weather patterns. “A day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.” Joel 2:2. “The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars no longer shine.” Joel 2:10. From the latter half of the twentieth century, global warming has caused a rise in average temperatures in the world. Because of our dependence on fossil fuels and the rapidly diminishing forests of the world, levels of Carbon Dioxide and Methane have increased rapidly. It is thought that this is the cause of the rise in global temperatures. Global warming causes rise in air and water temperatures with resultant increase in evaporation and change in rain patterns. Floods and droughts, intense heat and hurricanes result which all combine to cause the possibility of the decimation of some species.
At the end of 2019 the Covid 19 virus first appeared in Wuhan, China and has infected at least 10,000,000 people worldwide and resulted in 500,000 deaths. The number of people thinking that this virus could be one of the signs of the end of the world is increasing. “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” Luke 21:10, 11. The stress and fear caused by Covid 19 is great. The economic effect globally and locally is the greatest since the global financial crisis. Apparently, already, 25,000 business have declared bankruptcy in Japan. Other signs of the end times are earthquakes and wars. “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars.” Matthew 24:6. Since the end of the Second World War, unbelievably, there have been 120 wars. Since the Tohoku earthquake in Japan on March 11th 2011, the number of earthquakes has doubled. When compared with the 2000 years before 1914, the rate of big earthquakes has increased 20-fold.
Be aware that the “day of the Lord”, the “second coming of Jesus” is getting closer, so we should repent of wrongdoing, believe in Jesus, pray, be alert and prepare our hearts. “God will save you from the deadly pestilence.” Psalm 91:3. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13.