「聖なる神」イザヤ(要約)Our Holy God (English follows Japanese)
ある男が、絶世の美人に公園で、プロポーズして、成功し、大喜びでした。ところが突然大雨が降り、彼女の化粧が全部剥がれてしまいました。男は彼女が美人でないことが分かり失望しましたが、時計の針を元に戻す ことができず、ショックで倒れてしまいました。
表面だけをきれいにしても、内面がきれいでなければ長続きしません。人間も同じです。 しかし、内面をキレイにしようとしても、自分の努力だけでは限りがあります。

泥棒をしながら、創造主なる神に向かって、泥棒の商売を繁盛させてくださいと祈ることはできないのです。神様の願いは神様が聖なるお方であるように、神に造られた被造物の人間も聖くなることです。神様の願いは全ての者が罪を悔い改め、罪が赦され、心が十字架の血潮できよめられ、救われることです。神様は「わたしが聖であるから、あなたがたも、聖でなければならない。」Iペテロ1: 16 と言っています。
イザヤは聖い神の臨在の前で、自分の汚れを強烈に示されて叫びました。「ああ。私は、もうだめだ。私はくちびるの汚れた者で、くちびるの汚れた民の間に住んでいる。しかも万軍の主である王を、この目で見たのだから。」イザヤ6:5 人間には二種類しかない。一つは自分を罪人だと思っている善人であり、他の一つは、自分を善人だと思っている罪人である。 (パスカル)
汚れた器は用いられないように、神様は罪に汚れた人を用いられません。だれでも自分自身をきよめて、これらのことを離れるなら、その人は尊いことに使われる器となります。2テモテ 2:21
イザヤは、汚れている自分が、聖なる神の前に立つことはふさわしく無いと感じ、滅ぼされる思いでした。「わざわいなるかな、わたしは滅びるばかりだ。」イザヤ 6:5
そこで、セラフィムは、燃える墨火をイザヤの口に触れさせて、イザヤを用いられるように清めました。炎は清浄の働きをします。細菌を滅ぼします。燃える炭が与えられ、罪が清浄されたのです。人間の単なる努力によって、心を清めることは容易ではありません。御子イエスの血はすべての罪から私たちをきよめます。Iヨハネ1:7 真っ黒なイザヤの心は雪のように白くされました。そして、きよめられたイザヤは神の招きに応じて、「ここに、私がおります。私を遣わしてください。」と答えました。
A man proposed to an extremely beautiful woman in a park and was overjoyed when she accepted his proposal. Suddenly, there was a heavy downpour and her makeup was all washed off. He was devastated when he realized that she was actually not a great beauty but he could not turn back time and collapsed in shock.
Even if we pretty something up on the outside, if change is not effected inside it will not last. We are the same. There is a limit to our efforts to change ourselves.
In 742 BC Isaiah went into the temple to pray in the year that Uzziah, who had reigned for a long time, died. Seraphim appeared before him saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty: the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3. God is holy. Saying that God is holy implies that He hates sin. Our holy God does not like our sinful ways. Holiness and sin are incompatible. If we want to draw near to God and walk with Him we must forsake sin. We cannot say that we believe God and continue living a sinful life. We cannot serve both God and Satan. We cannot ask God to bless our thefts if we are a robber. God`s desire is that we, the humans that He has created, should be holy as He is. God yearns for all of us to repent of the wrong things we have done, be forgiven and start afresh with a clean slate because of the blood shed by Jesus on the Cross. He challenges us, “Be holy, because I am holy.” I Peter 1:16.
As Isaiah stood before the presence of the Holy God he realized just how sinful he was. We are all affected by the situation around us. If we live in a sinful place we gradually become affected by the sin around us even though we are unaware of it. If we then move into an area which is morally upright we realise how corrupt we have become. Isaiah cried out as he realized just how corrupt he was in the eyes of his holy God, “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” Isaiah 6:5. “There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous.” Pascal.
God is full of love and mercy. If a sinner recognizes their sin and calls out to God for mercy, God will wipe the slate clean and give the person a new life. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9.
Just as we would not use a dirty utensil, God will not use an unclean person. “If a man cleanses himself, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” II Timothy 2:21. Isaiah felt that he would be destroyed as he stood in his sinful state before his holy God. “Woe is me! I am ruined!” Isaiah 6:5. A seraphim touched his lips with a burning coal so that he was purified and made ready for service. A flame has a purifying function; it destroys bacteria. Isaiah was touched with a burning coal and purified from his sin. It is not possible to purify ourselves merely by our own efforts. “The blood of Jesus, God`s Son, purifies us from every sin.” I John 1:7. Isaiah`s blackened soul was made as clean as fresh snow. Isaiah, purified, responded to God`s call saying, “Here am I , send me!”
As we pray and read God`s word we are shown our sinful state. May we recognize our condition before God, repent, be cleansed and be used to pass on the Good News.