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365 Days of Blessing

目標のある人生 Purpose-filled Life

目標のある人生 Purpose-filled Life





目標の無い人生は空しいです。 イスラエルのダビデ王ははっきりした目標を持って生き、言いました。



能率が上がります。今何をすべきか分かれば、自分のエネルギーを集中し易いです。 目標がはっきり定まらないと、どこに向かって走ってよいのかわからず、困惑します。

どんなレースにもゴールがあります。ランナーはゴールに向かって一心に走ります。 使徒パウロは「ただこの一時に励んでいます。すなわち、後ろのものを忘れ、ひたむきに前の者に向かって進み、キリスト・イエスにおいて上に召してくださる神の栄冠を得るために、目標を目指して





受験に合格して、有名高校、大学に入ろうと必死になるのです。 聖書は、「幻の無い民は滅びる。」「幻がなければ、民はほしいままにふるまう。」箴言29:18 と語っています。

3.満足感 人間はある目的に向かってひたすら歩んでいるときに、充実感を覚えます。





「私は勇敢に戦い、走るべき道のりを走り終え、信仰を守り通しました。いまからは、義の栄冠が私のために用意されているだけです。」テモテII 4:7,8 目標は自己実現、自分の才能が生かされるものであるべきです。


それを用いることに祝福があるのです。 目標は、自分の野心、利益、欲望だけを満たし、それによって周囲の人が不幸になるものではなく、周囲の人を潤し、祝福し、幸を与える物であるべきです。

聖書の第一の戒めは、「心を尽くし、思いを尽くし、力を尽くして神を愛しなさい。」マタイ22:37 で、第二の戒めは「自分を愛するようにあなたの隣人を愛しなさい。」です。


良い目標を持ち、充実した、喜びに満ちた人生が歩めますように。 「神の栄冠を得るために、目標を目指して一心に走る。」ピリピ3:14 事ができますように!

I happened across an old friend in Narita International airport. He was pulling a suitcase towards the departure lobby. When I asked where was bound for he replied, “Actually I`m not sure where I`m going.” Surprised, I exclaimed, “Is that really possible?” “No, I was joking, I`m actually going to Hawaii on holiday!”

Anyone going on a trip decides before they leave where they will go. We cannot imagine a trip without a destination. Life lived without a purpose or goal will be somehow unfulfilled and empty. David, one of the kings of Israel, had a very clear goal in life. “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” Psalm 27:4.

1. Eliminate non-essentials. Concentrate. Having a goal helps eliminate waste of time and resources, increases efficiency and makes it possible to concentrate one`s energy on what must be done. .If there is no clear goal it is difficult to know which way to head and confusion can result. Every race has a goal-post. Athletes head for that goal. The apostle Paul said, “This one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me.” Philippians 3:13, 14.

2. Become motivated. Without a clear goal it is difficult to be motivated. The desire to attain the goal comes when the goal is clear. We live life saying “this one thing I do” when the goal is clear. For example, at school when faced with mid-term or end-of-year tests the goal of achieving good grades and getting into a good university motivates us to study,.

3. Satisfaction. When we work towards a particular goal we have a sense of satisfaction. When we actually achieve that goal we experience joy. When a baseball or rugby team wins in a local or international tournament they leap for joy and often hug one another.. Their fans too are beside themselves with joy and sometimes run around the sports ground. The apostle Paul who lived his life with one goal in mind experienced a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment.. When he looked back on his life he said. ”I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness.” II Timothy 4:7, 8.

Our goals must be in line with our talents and abilities. Everybody has some talent that God has given them. We are blessed when we implement these. Our goal must not be for our own ambition, gain or greed to the detriment of others but must be something that blesses and benefits others. According to the Bible the first commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And the second commandment is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39.

Our goals should fulfil these commandments to love God and our neighbor. May we have good goals and experience joy and satisfaction as we set out to achieve them. May we live as we are told to in Philippians3:14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me.”

奥平 Okudaira

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