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365 Days of Blessing

「神の願いを求める」ハガイ Seeking God`s will


ハガイはクロス王の勅令でバビロン捕囚から解放され、エルサレムにおいて神殿を再建するために故国への帰還を許されました。最初の帰還者たちは神殿の礎を据えましたが、周囲の敵の激しい妨害に会い、神殿再建の工事は18年間中断してしまいました。民は時が経過するにつれ、神中心の生き方よりも自分勝手な生活を第一にする生き方へと変質していきました。このように、霊的に沈滞する状況の下で、民たちの前に預言者ハガイ、およびゼカリヤを遣わして、「この宮が廃墟となっているのに、あなたがただけが板張りの家に住むべき時であろうか。」1:4 「わたしの霊があなたがたの間で働いている。恐れるな。」(ハガイ2:5)と呼びかけ、再建工事を再開するよう彼らの霊を奮い立たせました。それによって彼らは、B.C.520年に再び仕事に着手しました。そして、B.C.515年に神殿の再建工事が完成したのでした。


聖書は「神の国とその義とをまず第一に求めなさい。そうすれば、それに加えて、これらのものはすべて与えられます。」マタイ6:33 と言っていますが神を第一にする人は少ないです。

1:8 山に登り、木を運んで来て、宮を建てよ。そうすれば、わたしはそれを喜び、わたしの栄光を現わそう。


「だれでもわたしについて来たいと思うなら、自分を捨て、自分の十字架を負い、そしてわたしについて来なさい。 いのちを救おうと思う者はそれを失い、わたしのためにいのちを失う者は、それを見いだすのです。マタイ16:24,25



イエス様は自分の願いよりも神の願いを優先させました。キリストは人間的には十字架の苦しみを通りたくありませんでした。十字架上で両手両足を釘に刺される肉体的苦痛の他に、弟子たちから見捨てられ、群衆、祭司、ローマ兵からの嘲笑される精神的な苦痛を経なければなりません。さらに、全人類の汚れた罪を背負い、父なる神から見放される霊的苦痛を受けなければなりません。キリストは予知能力があるので、十字架にかけられる前に、これらの苦しみを感じ、「わが父よ。できますならば、この杯(苦しみ)をわたしから過ぎ去らせてください。」と願いました。しかし、神の願いを優先して、「しかし、わたしの願うようにではなく、あなたのみこころのように、なさってください。」 マタイ26:39 と祈りました。キリストはもし自分が十字架に犠牲としてかからなければ、全人類は罪の呪いの中にあり、罪からの救済がなくなることを知っておられました。それ故に、自分の願いよりも神の願いを優先したのです。



Most people prioritise what they want. Not many seek God`s will. In accordance with the edict of King Cyrus, Haggai was released from captivity in Babylon and returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. The first returnees from captivity laid the foundations of the temple but then stopped for 18 years because of persecution from their enemies. As time progressed, the people changed from putting God first to thinking of themselves first. In this state of spiritual stagnation God sent the prophets Haggai and Zechariah saying,

“Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains in ruins?” Haggai 1:4. “My spirit remains among you. Do not fear.” Haggai 2:5. The people were then inspired to return to the work of rebuilding the temple. In BC 520 they re-started work on the rebuilding and it was completed in BC 515.

Usually, people are busy fulfilling their own desires and do not have time or energy left over for God. The Bible advises us to “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33. However, not many of us put God first. Haggai 1:8. “`Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honoured,` says the Lord.” When we follow God`s directions his glory will appear and we will be blessed.

“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:24,25.

We are being challenged to choose either a self-centred life style or a God-centred life style. Generally, if we want to take it easy and have a comfortable life we lead a self-centred life style.

On the other hand, if we seek to help the poor, the suffering and the sick and to share the gospel, our lives will become God-centred. Of course, if we choose a God-centred life style, an easy, comfortable life becomes secondary and some degree of sacrifice may be called for.

Dr Nakamura from Japan worked for years in Afghanistan treating patients, digging wells, and making life easier for the people there but was unfortunately shot and killed. A self-centred person is not able to do what he did.

Jesus put God`s desires before His own. He prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39. Humanly speaking, Jesus did not want to go through the agony of the Cross. He suffered the physical pain of having nails driven through his hands and feet, the emotional pain of having his disciples forsake Him and the crowds, the priests and the soldiers despise him, and the spiritual suffering of taking on our dirt and sin and having God turn away from Him. He knew though that if He did not go through the pain of the Cross, mankind would remain cursed in their sin and there would be no way out for us. Jesus therefore prioritized God`s will over His own will.

It is not easy to put family`s desires, other people`s wants and God`s will before one`s own desires.

Normally, we do not want to sacrifice. However, in contradiction to our normal way of thinking, those who put themselves first will not be blessed while those who put God`s desires first will be blessed. Jesus teaches us that those who seek their own lives will lose out but those who give their lives for God`s sake will gain life.

In the long run, a self-centred life style will not be blessed but those who put God and others first will be blessed.

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