"Furoshiki" Society 「風呂敷」社会
Do you know what a "furoshiki" is? It is a cloth used in Japan to wrap and carry things in. It is generally a large square cloth and is often made of a beautiful silk-like material. Many have an exquisite pattern or Japanese writing on them and the colours of the furoshiki are often distinctive. Unfortunately, plastic bags have replaced this lovely piece of Japanese culture on many occasions.
Although the furoshiki itself maybe very beautiful, the goods wrapped up in it may not be. I often think that society in Japan, and many other places, could be called a "furoshiki society". What I mean by that is that the outside covering looks clean and perfect but when we open it up we find ugly things we would rather not see. Every day in Japan, as in any other country, we hear news that demonstrates the dirty underside of this seemingly perfect society.
Maybe Jesus would say the same to us as He said two thousand years ago to the people of His generation. "Woe to you! You are like white-washed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full everything unclean." — Matthew 23:27
「災いなるかな、偽善のパリサイ人、律法学者たち。あなた方は外側を美しく塗った白い墓のようだ。内側は、死人の骨や、あらゆる汚れたものでいっぱいだ。」—マタイ 23:27
Stella ステラ