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365 Days of Blessing


(要約)ソロモン2 2019年9月1日 

あるところに知恵があることで評判の高い男がいました。ところがある時に、この知恵男は、魅力的な女に惚れこんでしまいました。恋は盲目と言います。男はこの女に夢中になり、魔法にかけられたように、知恵が働かなくなりました。 そして、この女の言うことは何でも聞き、この女にだまされ、財産全てを彼女に盗まれ、逃げられてしまいました。今日話すソロモン王はこの男と似ています。


ソロモンは王になった当初は知恵を求め神の教えに従う正しい人生を歩みました。しかし、ソロモンの知恵の名声が増すとともに、外国の異教徒の女をめとり、偶像礼拝と妥協して、失敗しました。イギリスの有名な劇作家シェイクスピアは 「終わり良ければ総て良し。」と言いました。ソロモンの人生はその反対で、彼の人生の終わりは悲劇でした。

聖書は「この世と調子を合わせてはいけません。いや、むしろ、神のみこころは何か、すなわち、何が良いことで、神に受け入れられ、完全であるのかをわきまえ知るために、心の一新によって自分を変えなさい。」ローマ12:2 と語っています。この世の罪と下手に妥協すれば命取りになります。ソロモンは妥協して滅びを招きました。勿論、結婚生活を平和に保つために、罪を行うのでなければ、むしろ譲歩し、妥協することはよいことでしょう。しかし、罪を憎まず、罪と妥協し、罪を行えば、身の破滅を招きます。


それなのに、ソロモンは彼女たちを愛して、離れなかった。彼には七百人の王妃としての妻と、三百人のそばめがあった。列王記I 11:1-3  



これらの妻は異教徒で、偶像礼拝をしていました。その主な神は「モレク」で、人の体を持ち、雄牛の頭の形をした青銅の像で、モレクを礼拝する者は、自分の子ども(乳児)を生け贄としてささげて焼き殺したりしました。I列王記11:4-8 自分の子供を生け贄として捧げることは、殺人で恐ろしい罪です。





1st September 2019

A local man was renowned for his wisdom. However, this supposedly wise man fell for an attractive woman. It is said that love is blind and this was the case for this man; it was as though he was bewitched and his wisdom flew out the window. He was duped by the woman who made off with all of his money. Solomon, about whom we are thinking today was like this man.

Solomon loved women and received many of different faiths into his household. In order to please his wives he compromised his faith and allowed the worship of other gods. When he was first installed as King Solomon sought wisdom, obeyed God and lived a life pleasing to Him. However, as the fame of his wisdom spread he married many women who worshipped other gods and compromised. Shakespeare said “all is well that ends well.” Solomon`s life demonstrated the opposite, ending in tragedy.

The Bible advises us, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God`s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2. We will lose out if we compromise with the sin in this world. Solomon compromised and this resulted in his downfall. Of course, in relationships with others some degree of compromise is necessary to maintain the peace as long as sin is not involved. If we do not hate sin, refuse to compromise with it and commit sin we invite our own downfall.

As well as marrying Pharaoah`s daughter, Solomon also welcomed Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian and Hittite women as wives. God had previously warned, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods. Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love.” I Kings 11:2. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines. It is abnormal to have so many wives. Thinking rationally it is impossible for one man to meet the needs of so many women. Many kings from surrounding areas brought their daughters as gifts when they sought Solomon`s wisdom. Of course, some of these were arranged marriages for political purposes to form an alliance with Solomon but if he did not have the desire he would not have agreed to marry so many women. It would have impossible to support women if Solomon had not been an extremely rich man.

These women had different religions and worshipped other gods. One of the main gods was Molech who was made of bronze and had a human body with a bull`s head. He was worshipped by the offering of live little children as sacrifices. To do such a thing is murder and a detestable sin.

God is a holy, righteous God who cannot turn a blind eye to sin. He must judge those who sin against Him. Because Solomon turned away from God and did things that God hated, his kingdom was split after his death into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern Judah. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

The Bible teaches us that even if we are a wise person like Solomon if we are not alert, we can fall into satan`s trap, commit sin and will have to be judged for it. We all need to be alert, know our own weaknesses and take care to follow God`s path. Until our last breath we must keep our spiritual eyes open, keep looking to Jesus and faithfully follow His commands.

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