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365 Days of Blessing

他者のための祈り Praying for Others

他者のための祈り Praying of Others



The mother of a mischievous boy told him, “I am praying that you would become a good boy.” To this, the boy responded, “And I am praying that you would be more patient!”



主の祈りに「御国が来ますように、御心が天で行われているように、地でも行われますように。」マタイ 6:10






「そこで、まず初めに、このことを勧めます。すべての人のために、また王とすべての高い地位にある人たちのために願い、祈り、とりなし、感謝がささげられるようにしなさい。それは、私たちが敬虔に、また、威厳をもって、平安で静かな一生を過ごすためです。」テモテI 2:1,2

When I was in my first year of High School, a missionary from New Zealand wept as he prayed for me and because of those prayers I am in the position of being pastor of a church now. Most of us believe God and are Christians today because someone prayed for us.

The Lord`s prayer continues in Matthew 6:10 with the words, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In heaven, where God`s will is followed, there is perfect peace and we pray that the same could be said of earth. This prayer is asking that peace would come on the earth and that our families, friends and others would all be blessed. Because we humans are basically self-centred we do not pray for the needs of others very often. However, if more people prayed for others, conflict would decrease and the world would become a more peaceful place. In order for countries to be at peace and order maintained it is important that we especially pray for the leaders of countries. “I urge you, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” I Timothy 2:1,2.






The tyrannical leader, Hitler, appeared and war began in Europe, while in Japan, the military became stronger than the politicians and the Pacific region was plunged into war. When war erupts, thousands, tens of thousands of people are killed like vermin. No matter what happens, war should be avoided. War brings destruction and tragedy. Cities are decimated and become like scorched earth and many people die. It is estimated that over the course of World War II, 55,000,000 people died.










It is a blessing if we pray for our families and friends and for those less fortunate than ourselves. When praying for others we may pray for protection from illness, accidents or calamities, for financial stability, for salvation and for spiritual maturity. It is said that no matter how busy Susannah Wesley was she prayed for an hour every day for her sixteen children. As a result, John Wesley was instrumental in bringing about a change to the degradation of England after the industrial revolution and he was helped by his younger brother, Charles.

There is power in prayer. Prayer can change us, our families, society, our country and the world for the better. The Creator of the universe moves in response to our prayers. Anybody, no matter who you are can pray.

Don`t give up. Pray that your family and friends would meet Jesus, that the church would grow and that the world would experience peace.

“Be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18.

奥平 Okudaira

「他者のための祈り」1月21日礼拝メッセージより 奥平牧師


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