「思い切った決断」Decision making
しかし、敵地に行けば、殺される可能性がある。同様に「もしかしたら、食べ物にありつけるかもしれない。」と言う可能性もある。町に行ってもみんな飢饉で食べ物が無く苦しんでいる。列王記Ⅱ 7:3,4
神様が不思議な奇跡を起こしてくださったのです。 勇気ある決断が奇跡を起こしました。彼らの歩く足音が、馬と、戦車の走る音に聞こえたのです。敵のアラム人たちは、イスラエルの大群が他国の援軍を呼び、攻めて来たと思い、慌てて、食糧を置き去りにして、逃げたのです。四人のライ病人は、有り余る食料を手にすることができました。7:5‐7
人生はどちらかです。勇気をもって挑むか、棒にふるか。- ヘレン・ケラー
During the Civil War, one man could not decide which side to support so he put on the jacket of the Northern side and the trousers of the Southern side. The result was that, when he stepped out onto the battlefield, he was shot at from both sides!
It is no exaggeration to say that life involves non-stop decision making. Every day we make trivial decisions as to what to eat, what to wear and what to do. There are also life-changing decisions we must make regarding, marriage, employment, whether to change jobs and whether to move overseas or not. Whether our lives are blessed or not hinges on whether we make good decisions at these important times. `It is not chance but choice which decides our destiny.`
The four lepers in our story today were faced with death by starvation because of famine. Their first thought was that they would die if they went in to the city so they decided that they might as well go over to the camp of the enemy. They knew that there was a chance that they might be killed by the enemy. However, there was also the chance that they would find food there. Even if they went in to the city they knew they would suffer because of the famine. II Kings 7:3,4. They were faced with three choices: to stay at the gate of the city, to go in to the city or to go over to the enemy camp. They weighed up their options as to which would the best, most beneficial choice. Some people depend on intuition but it is safer to reason carefully. There was a great possibility of facing death by going to the enemy camp but there was also some chance of surviving.
They chose the chance of survival. A lot of life involves risk-taking. When we must make a decision we should think carefully, use common sense and consider the situation calmly and objectively. We often regret our decisions if we consider only our own desires and do not look past what is right before us.
We should consider the long-term effects of the decision and whether or not we have peace in our hearts.
The four men started walking and arrived at the Aramean camp. What did they find? There was no-one there! God had performed an amazing miracle. Their courageous decision had resulted in a miracle. The four men`s footsteps had sounded like the sound of a great army to the enemy. The Aramean army thought that the Israelites had joined with other armies and come to attack them. They panicked and ran off leaving everything behind. II Kings 7:5-7.
It takes courage to go forward when we are faced with crises and problems. Helen Keller said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” The four men knew that they might be killed but still bravely went ahead. We only live once. If we feel we are not making progress in life maybe it is time to bravely challenge something new. Twenty-six years ago, even though I had not secured a job, I dared to move from Japan to New Zealand with my family. I had many different experiences during my twenty-one years in New Zealand.
If we try to avoid hardships and difficulties and always take the easy, safe path we may not progress as we should. When we decide to live for God and for others we will be blessed and miraculous things may happen. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13. People living in a prosperous country who are relatively well-off have many options available to them. Those in a poorer country without material benefits have fewer choices. However, regardless of our personal situation, we all have the freedom to choose to believe in God. None of us know how long our lives will be. If we think that it is right we should go for it today. “Now is the time of God`s favour, now is the day of salvation.” II Corinthians 6:2.