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365 Days of Blessing

栄光は神に Give Glory to God





Due to the continuing dry weather, the water in a certain pond was drying up. The ducks who lived there were concerned and discussed about going to a place with more water. “We`re okay because we can fly there but what about the frogs that live here?”they wondered. Two ducks between them held a stick in their beaks and a frog clutched on to the stick with its mouth. A farmer looking up at this amazing sight exclaimed, “What a brilliant idea! Who thought of it?” The frog proudly shouted, “I did!” The moment he opened his mouth, he lost his grip on the stick and fell to his death.

主の祈りの結びは「国と力と栄はとこしえにあなたのものだからです。アーメン」マタイ6:13 です。





The Lord`s Prayer concludes with, “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:13. The end of the prayer reminds us to give all the glory to God the Creator of all. The prayer begins with “Hallowed be Your Name” and again at the end it gives praise to God. This repetition shows us just how important it is to give glory to God.






イエス・キリストは「誰でも自分を高くする者は低くされ、自分を低くする者は高くされる。」ルカ18:14 と言っています。

If we do not give glory to God and take the credit for ourselves, we fall into the sin of pride which has dire consequences. The Bible teaches us that pride is the root cause of destruction. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18. “Before his downfall a man`s heart is proud, but humility comes before honour.” Proverbs 18:12. Pride invites ruin.

We meet the religious leaders of Jesus` day, the Pharisees, in the Bible. In order to be praised by others they prayed long prayers in public and gave money to the temple so that they could be seen. Jesus said, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:14.







Proud people are not liked. It is natural that a person who thinks they are better than and looks down on others should be disliked. Everybody has a degree of self-respect so nobody likes to be looked down on by another. If we become proud we fall into Satan`s trap which leads to destruction. Not only that. A proud person is not only disliked and scorned by others but even more importantly, God does not like pride and will bring a proud person down. God`s blessing leaves in the presence of pride.




「主の御前でへり下りなさい。そうすれば、主が、あなたを高くしてくださいます。」ヤコブ 4:6,10


しかし、それを誇って、Youtube に載せたために、警察に見つかり逮捕され、刑務所に入れられました。

King Saul became proud, disobeyed God, forgot his position and tried to take on the role of a priest and as a result had the kingship taken away from him. Compared with him, David served God and the king humbly, was blessed and eventually became a great king. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:6, 10.

A young man robbed a bank of a large amount of money and was so proud of his achievement he put it on Youtube. The police saw it and arrested him and put him in prison.







God dislikes those who take the glory to themselves but loves those who humbly give the glory to God. John the Baptist, who appears in the Bible, was one who gave the glory to God. He gave glory to Jesus who was to come after him and pointed others to Jesus rather than to himself. He knew that he came to give testimony to Jesus. He recognized his own position. He knew that his calling was to prepare the way for the Messiah who would come after him. He led the crowds to Jesus saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29.



We have been created in order to give glory to God. Those who exalt themselves will be brought down. Those who humbly serve God and give Him all the glory will be exalted.

奥平 Okudaira


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