神の計画 God's Plan

「神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。」ローマ 8:28
それは、…‥ 大いなる救いによってあなたがたを生きながらえさせるためだったのです。
A young man was wanting to get married. However, despite not being particularly handsome himself and yet wanting to marry a great beauty and because he would not make his ideals more realistic he was unable to find a suitable woman. He was involved in a car accident in which his eyes were injured and his eyesight was consequently diminished. He became extremely discouraged. Because his eyesight was no longer very good it was less important whether his wife was beautiful or not. He then married a woman who was not so beautiful but who had a good disposition and they had a happy life together.
We, human beings, when we face trials that are hard to bear often ask why it is that we have to face such trials and hardships. We wonder why we have to suffer so much. However, for those of us who believe, God uses the trials He allows and brings us through to a place of blessing. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.
Joseph`s trials were actually part of God`s plan. God planned that through the trials Joseph encountered his family would be saved. God can foresee the future and plans the best for us.
The trials that Joseph went through lead to his becoming prime Minister of Egypt:
1. If he had not been hated by his brothers and sold as a slave in Egypt he would not have become Prime Minister.
2. Joseph was tempted by Potiphar`s wife and because he refused her advances was thrown into prison.
3. If he had not been put into Pharaoh`s prison he probably would not have had the opportunity to go before Pharaoh and become second to him in the land. Because he was thrown into that prison he met Pharaoh`s cupbearer and baker. It was through that meeting that he was brought before Pharaoh.
4. Because he was able to interpret Pharaoh`s dream he was chosen to be second-in-command in Egypt.
5. Due to his position, Joseph was able to prepare for the coming famine during the seven years of plenty. The result was that the people of Egypt and the surrounding countries were saved during the years of famine. Not only that, but Joseph`s family who lived in Israel came to Egypt in search of food when there was none in their own country. In this way, Joseph was able to save his own family as well.
God had planned that through the trials he faced Joseph would be promoted to Prime Minister and be instrumental in saving the people of Egypt and also his own family. Joseph told his brothers when they came for food, “It was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you….He sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant and to save your lives by a great deliverance. It was not you who sent me here but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.” Genesis 45:4-8.
When I moved to New Zealand I was unable to secure work for the first year. During that time I lost some money to a con man, my son got sick and it felt like there were trials one after the other. However, because of our son`s illness I got to know the Principal of his school and through him was able to get employed at one of the most prestigious schools in New Zealand.
If we face trials let us not become discouraged but believe that God will lead us through those hard times to something good. God works in all situations and somehow uses the hard times for our benefit. He uses the trials to discipline, polish and refine us in order that we might become more like Jesus.
奥平 Okudaira