柔和な人 Meekness
2016年8月リオデジャネイロ オリンピック陸上女子5000メートル予選で、転倒した2選手が助け合って起き上がり、大きく遅れてゴールした後に救済措置で決勝進出が決まる珍しい出来事があった。ダゴスティノ選手はそのまま1人で走り続けることなく、泣いているようにも見えたハンブリン選手の脇を抱えて助け起こし、「立って。最後までやらないと」と励ました。米国のアビー・ダゴスティノ選手とニュージーランドのニッキー・ハンブリン選手のその姿は、オリンピック精神そのものだと称えられている。
さて、モーセという人は、地上のだれにもまさって非常に謙遜(柔和)であった。民数記 12:3
今もしあなたが、彼らの罪をゆるされますならば――。しかし、もしかなわなければ、どうぞあなたが書きしるされたふみから、わたしの名を消し去ってください」出エジプト 32:32
わたしは心優しく、へりくだって(柔和)いるから、あなたがたもわたしのくびきを負って、わたしから学びなさい。そうすればたましいに安らぎが来ます。わたしのくびきは負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからです。」マタイ11:29, 30
In the 2016 Olympics two women fell in the 5000 metre heat and helped each other up. They did not meet the qualifying time but were given permission to run in the final. D`Agostino from the USA helped New Zealander, Hamblin up saying, “Come on. We have to finish this!” D`Agostino was injured but Hamblin hung back and encouraged her so they both finished together in last place. The two girls were praised for demonstrating the Olympic spirit.
Moses was a very meek man. “Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” Numbers 12:3. The word `meek` is often used in the Bible and it has the same meaning as `humble`. The Israelites were led by Moses and through a number of miracles set free from their slavery in Egypt. Despite that, they complained to Moses many times. Because he was a humble man, Moses was patient and pleaded with God not to destroy them. “Please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book You have written.” Exodus 32:32. Because he was such a humble man Moses was prepared to forfeit his life in return for the salvation of the Israelites.
In the world we live in today, the strong rule the weak and the strong survive. In the field of education, if one is not smart and talented they cannot enter a good university. Even if a person is smart, if they do not have the financial capability it is difficult to go to a good university. In business too, a weak person without ability will not succeed. The difference is even clearer in the sporting world. Even though a person may be of good character, if they do not have ability and achieve good results they will be excluded. The competitive world is ruthless. In this world, people put themselves first and trample on their rivals but the Bible teaches us that it is important to have a merciful, humble attitude.
Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble (meek) in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29, 30. Jesus was a meek, humble person. He forgave those who spoke ill of Him and persecuted Him and prayed for those who were opposed to Him. He bore the penalty of our sin and gave His life on the Cross. Salvation became a reality for us and our sins have been forgiven because of Jesus` meekness. Any problems associated with following Jesus are never too great for us to bear because Jesus Himself bears most of the burden for us.
In a dream, I was walking along a beautiful beach with Jesus. The footprints of both of us were left in the sand. However, sometimes there was only one set of footprints. When I thought about it I realized that where there was only one set of footprints was at times when I was facing trials and troubles. I asked Jesus, “Didn`t You say that You would always walk together with me?” He replied, “The single set of footprints are mine. When you faced problems, I carried you.”
May we be the same as Jesus and Moses who were meek and saved others. Jesus will help us to be humble and will bear our burdens for us. Blessed are the meek.
奥平 Okudaira