妥協しない No Compromise

アメリカ人夫婦の夫は新しいボートが欲しいと毎日しつこく子供のように願うのでついに、妻は妥協して、そのボートに名前を付けることを条件として、夫がボートを買うことを許可しました。夫は、夫婦が汗水流して溜めた貯金を下ろして、美しいボートを買いました。その名前は「For Sale」(売り物)とついていました。そしてその下に連絡先の電話番号が書かれていました。アメリカでは個人売買が盛んです。
1. 〔妥協案その一〕 8章25~27節「行ってもよいが、あまり遠くへ行くな」
アブの襲撃で苦しんだパロはモーセとアロンを呼び寄せて「さあ、この国内でおまえたちの神にいけにえをささげよ。私は、おまえたちを行かせよう。おまえたちは 荒野でおまえたちの神、主にいけにえをささげるがよい。ただ、決して遠くへ行ってはならない。私のために祈ってくれ。」出エジプト8:28
ヨシュアは民に向かって、「‥…今あなたがたが住んでいる地のエモリ人の神々でも、あなたがたが仕えようと思うものを、どれでも、きょう選ぶがよい。私と私の家とは、主に仕える。」ヨシュア記24:15 と言いました。
3. 〔妥協案その三〕10章24~26節「行け。主に仕えよ。ただ羊と牛とは置いていけ。」
「あなた自身が私たちの手に生け贄と、全焼の生け贄を与えて、私たちの神、主にささげさせなければなりません。私たちは家畜もいっしょに連れて行きます‥‥‥」 今日に当てはめれば、「信仰を守るのはいいが、聖書は置いて行きなさい。聖書を持っていってはいけない。」などと条件を付けるようなものです。
モーセのように神様がともにおられ、奇跡を起こして守ってくださることを信じ、妥協しないで 前進しましょう。
The husband of an American couple went on every day to his wife about much he wanted to get a boat. At last, she gave in and said that he could buy one on the condition that she would name it. He took out all the money that they had worked very hard to save and bought a beautiful boat. She named it “For Sale” and wrote their phone number below the name. Private sales are very popular in the US.
Just as with the couple in this joke there are times when we must compromise in order to avoid a quarrel. On the other hand, if something bad which goes against our conscience is involved we must not compromise. Moses did not accept Pharaoh`s compromise solution. If he did compromise, the Israelites would have remained in their painful position as slaves and would have been unable to freely worship their God.
1. The first compromise. Exodus 8:25-27. “You can go but not far.” After the plague of flies, Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said, “I will let you go to offer sacrifices to the Lord your God in the desert, but you must not go very far. Now pray for me.” Exodus 8:28. In more modern language: “If you keep on and on like that then you may worship. However, it is not necessary for you to become fanatical about it.” Satan is very sneaky. He whispers in our ears, “You don`t need to read your Bible or pray or go to church that much. Just enjoy life as all the people around about you are doing.” When I made the decision to go to Bible School my mother said, “We`ll allow you to be a Christian but there is no need to go as far as entering a Bible School. Both your father and I just want you to be like others and not do something so different.”
2. The second compromise Chapter10:8-11. “Go, worship the Lord your God. But just who will be going? …Have only the men go; and worship the Lord, since that is what you have been asking for.” In other words, “women and children must stay.” Satan tries to separate families so that the whole family does not worship God. By saying `only the men can go` Pharaoh is trying to make them compromise but faith is something that all the family should hold on to together and there can be no compromise. Joshua challenged the Israelites saying, “Choose today who you will serve, the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living if you want. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15.
3.The third compromise. Chapter 10:24-26. “Okay, you can go and worship but leave your animals behind,” Pharaoh said when he summoned Moses and Aaron again. Before he suggested this compromise, Pharaoh had suffered through a plague of darkness. Moses replied, “You must allow us to have sacrifices to offer to our God. Our livestock must go with us.” If we apply this to today it could mean; “You can have your faith but leave your Bible behind, you cannot take it with you.” “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2.
Courage and faith are necessary in order to live without compromise. Moses did not give in to the compromises Pharaoh suggested. If he had succumbed, the Israelites would have had to continue as slaves for a long time. Let us be like Moses and without compromise believe that the miracle-working God who protects us is always with us.
奥平 Okudaira