姑に仕える嫁 Ruth, Who Served Her Mother-in-law

「‥…あなたの行かれる所へ私も行き、あなたの住まれる所に私も住みます。あなたの民は私の民、あなたの神は私の神です。あなたの死なれる所で私は死に、そこに葬られたいのです。‥‥」ルツ 1:16, 17
…ユダヤ人にはユダヤ人のようになりました。それはユダヤ人を獲得するためです。‥‥Iコリント 9:20
イエス様は「何事でも、自分にしてもらいたいことは、ほかの人にもそのようにしなさい。」と言いました。マタイ 7:12.
自分のいのちを救おうと思う者はそれを失い、わたしのためにいのちを失う者は、それを見いだすのです。」マタイ 16: 25
A young lady, wanting to find a partner, went to a marriage consulting service after searching on the internet. She was asked what kind of partner she was looking for. Her answer was, “Someone handsome, polite, with a sense of humour, athletic, intelligent, able to sing and dance. Someone who will stay with me and tell me interesting stories when the weather`s not good, and who will be quiet when I want to rest.” The consultant entered all of the information in the computer and when the answer came out of the printer , handed it to the lady. “Buy a television” was what it said.
In order to escape a famine, Naomi together with her husband and two sons, moved to Moab. While there, her husband, Elimelech died, leaving her a widow with two sons. Both sons married local girls named Orpah and Ruth. After that, her situation became even worse. Both of the sons died. The family therefore consisted of Naomi and her two daughters-in-law. Naomi made the decision to return to her hometown where at least there were some friends and relatives. Both Orpah and Ruth also said that they would go with Naomi to Bethlehem.
Naomi advised both of her daughters-in-law to stay in the familiar surroundings of their hometown rather than go to an unfamiliar place. Finally, Orpah agreed to stay in her hometown but Ruth would not leave her mother-in-law`s side. Ruth said that she would go with Naomi, accept her culture and also pledged her loyalty to Naomi`s God, the God of the Bible. “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried.” Ruth 1:16, 17.
As the saying goes “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” it is important when moving to a different country to be proactive in assimilating the new culture in an endeavor to be accepted. If a person does not have such an attitude it is probably better for them to remain in their own country. One of the reasons for opposition to the influx of large numbers of Muslim people is their rigid stance regarding food, customs and dress and their lack of desire to fit in with the locals. The Apostle Paul talks about the importance of endeavouring to adapt to the different culture when in a different country in an effort to reach people. “To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.” I Corinthians 9:20. Many years ago, Hudson Taylor went as a missionary from England to China and in order to be accepted by the Chinese people, wore the same clothes as them and even grew his hair into a pigtail as they did. Because of this, he was able to reach many people and had a wonderful ministry.
All of us, no matter who we are, have a strong desire to be recognized and accepted. If we want to be recognized we cannot just force our opinions on others but need to acknowledge what they want as well. If we want to be accepted we need to accept others. This means accepting their culture and customs. Assertive people who do not accept or listen to other people are not well liked. If we want to be loved, we must love others. Jesus told us, “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” Matthew 7:12.
Those who are self-centred, thinking only of their own care will miss out, while people who put others first, like Ruth who cared for her mother-in-law, was not defeated by problems and gave herself to God will be saved. They will be blessed. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Jesus` sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25.